Precision mechanical construction for scientific research
English / Italiano


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Project AWARE

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MAGIC project

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Production of C-Band structures continues

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RF Gun for ELI-NP Gamma Beam System, delivered

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Cargo Inspection X-Band


INFN - National Institute of Nuclear Physics
IFIN - Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering
CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research
STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council
ESRF - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Certified quality

UNI EN ISO 9001-2008

Sistema di gestione per la qualità certificato UNI EN ISO 9001-2008

  • C-Band C-Band

    C-Band accelerating structure for the ELI-NP project

    details >>
  • S-Band S-Band

    RF Gun for ELI-NP

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  • S-Band S-Band

    Hybrid Gun for UCLA

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  • X-Band X-Band

    Cargo inspection X-Band manufactured for STFC

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  • Beam Diagnostics Beam Diagnostics

    Beam Diagnostics equipment for INFN-LNS

    details >>
  • Automatic Machine for Ultrasonic Control Automatic Machine for Ultrasonic Control

    CNC simultaneous 6-axis machine used to perform ultrasonic controls on the central hub of the VH-71 American presidential helicopter.



Comeb is a high-tech company specializing in precision mechanical construction, with particular regard to scientific research.

Founded by Mauro and Roberto Bonifazi, Comeb has established itself as a landmark company in Central Italy thanks to the special attention that it dedicates to the needs of each individual customer.

Comeb provides subcontract mechanical work, designing and realizing everything from single components to complete machines. Its products are used in all industrial and scientific sectors and Comeb has a proven track record in the aerospace and aeronautics industries and archaeological research.

Constant technological updating, significant investments in personnel training and the purchase and overhauling of machinery make Comeb the ideal technological partner for industry and research centres.

Sectors of activitySectors of activity

Satisfying the needs of industry and the world of research requires a high degree of flexibility. Comeb is capable of meeting the diverse needs of its customers, spanning a wide range of sectors with the most appropriate approach and materials.
  • Design and production of systems and components for the aerospace industry
  • Design and production of UHV (Ultra High Vacuum) equipment and components for industrial applications and scientific research
  • Precision mechanical construction for applications in aeronautics, aerospace and nuclear physics
  • Construction of vacuum chambers; UHV components, both standard and non-standard
  • esign and production of equipment for archaeological research

Materials usedMaterials used

Austenitic stainless steels, duplex and superduplex; titanium and its alloys; nickel and its alloys; aluminium; copper; bronze; tantalum, zirconium, tungsten, shapal and macor ceramic materials; plastics, etc.